We have 10 rooms reserved for Thur, Fri & Sat nights for the Classic.  The following have told me that they definitely want the rooms.  We will go over pairings later.  If you wish to have your name added, please email me at gatorphins2003@yahoo.com or call 771-4886.


1. Jamie Simmons

2. Mike Thompson

3. David Conner

4. Jason McClellan

5. John Allen

6. Kirk Hedrick

7. Loren Murwin

8. Danny Taylor

9. George Ernst

10. James Cooper

11. Glen Mercer

12.Steve Sneed

13. Norm James

14. Karl Hidalgo

15. Mike Inscore

16.  Mike Grant


18. Richard Halliday

19. Pete Janotti

20. Sean Williams

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