My name is Tom Leogrande and I am one of the owners of Bass Quest Magazine. Brent Chapman, Aaron Martens and myself (the three owners) are looking to work with bass clubs around the country to help the sport grow.
What are offering is pretty simple – a little recognition in the magazine, and some cool prizes from a great magazine. What we are looking for. We would need 10 of your members to subscribe to Bass Quest Magazine to qualify for this. Members that are already subscribers count – so it's not necessarily 10 new members – just 10 total members. Right now we are offering $5 off any subscription on our website using coupon code 5offBassQuest - http://www.bassquestmagazine.com/subscribe/
We would like to invite your Florida based Bass Club to join us for our Bass Quest Bass Club Partnership program.
Here are a few things about Bass Quest Magazine you may or may not know.
- We offer 96 pages of great bass fishing content in print on high end paper in full color.
- We work with Pro Anglers from all three major tours Bassmaster, FLW and MLF to bring you the best tips possible
- We have less than 12% advertising in each magazine
- We have been printing high end magazines since 2012
- We are an official partner of Major League Fishing
- We are angler owned and operated 100% in the U.S.
- Here is a link to view our most recent magazine online http://www.bassquestmagazine.com/BQ2-2lores.pdf
For any invited Bass Club that has 10 or more subscribers we will offer this:
- An Angler of the Year Plaque for their club AOY.
2. A mock-up Bass Quest cover with their AOY on it printed and ready to be framed.
3. Your AOY name and photo as well as the clubs name and contact information will be included in the final Bass Quest issue of the year.
What we would need from you is:
Club Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Date of award ceremony for AOY:
Name, City and State for 10 subscribers:
Address where to send the plaque and cover when ready:
What do you think? Would your club be interested in this program?
Thank you,
Tom Leogrande
Bass Quest Magazine